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My Six Steps To Success Formula: Creating An Effective Advertising Campaign

As I began understanding just many immoral and worthless "Business Opportunities" and "Systems" truly are out there, I knew exactly how I was going to stand out. 

I spent several weeks studying everything I could about the online marketing industry.
  1. I reasearcheed and analyzed the products and services available to help myself and other Affiliate Marketers become successful, including the commission payouts for the sales we generate.
  2. I analyzed the Promotional Methods currently being utilized to potentially profit from referring others to these Business Opportunities and Services....as well athe promotional methods we are using to promote other products and services in a variety of other popular niches.

Most importantly, I analyzed the psychological mentality of the "Make Money Online" and serveral other popular niches.

Throughout my analysis of these unethical, mass appealing  “Business Opportunities,” along with the advertising methods and services currently being utilized by HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of unsuccessful affiliates, and the impact of the overwhelming failure rate on the psyche of the unsuccessful affiliate marketer, I have come to the MILLION DOLLAR conclusion that fundamentally speaking, many of us are promoting all wrong.

Today’s advertising is missing a very primitive, fundamental concept that is needed now more than ever in the world of affiliate product and service marketing if you are going to EVER going to succeed....TRUST.  

This applies to virtually every niche market on the World Wide Web.

If you cannot TRUST the advertiser, how can you trust the product or service?

Affiliate Marketers,

I am about to hand you the REAL formula for affiliate marketing success on the 

If you follow these very simple steps I PROMISE you success in ANY niche for as long as there is a need for the product. Enjoy.

From a TRULY Honest Affiliate Marketer to another, I simply ask that if you learn anything here today you full heartedly believe is valuable, you repay the favor when time time comes,  regardless of whether you ultimately join me or not.  These VERY simple favors will not cost you a dime, and all of 2 minutes of your time.

I hope you find that fair.

Aspiring Affiliate Marketers, I proudly give to you....


STEP ONE: Find EXCELLENT products and services to promote as an affiliate that help others that you can RELATE with achieve whatever their goal may be for that particular aspect of their life..and learn EVERYTHING about it!

This could be educational, emotional, spiritual, enlightening, inspirational, or financial. There are THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of products which will fulfill any one or more of those needs.

STEP TWO:  ESTABLISH A BLOG OR WEBSITE PLATFORM to create quality content for your readers and explain EXACTLY why YOUR product can help your reader, and hopefully, why it has helped you...ENDORSE what you promote and be honest about it.

If you can market yourself and/or your product by explaining WHY your audience needs your exceptional product well, in an honest, caring, and knowlegable manner then you will gain their trust. People will be much more likely to give your offer a chance if they trust you. PERIOD.

Think about it.

STEP THREE:  OVERDELIVER YOUR CONTENT. I cannot emphasise this enough, especially if you are trying to market and sell to a difficult industry.  The key to establishing trust and getting sales is actually a pretty simple concept.

Give away 90% of your information for FREE. Only sell the remaining 10%.

You will create trust, honesty, and desire.  Trust me on this.

STEP FOUR: ENCOURAGE READER INTERACTION. Ask your readers to interact with you and your blog or website. Ask them to post their thoughts and opinions of the information you have provided them. If they purchase your product, you can ask them to come back to your site or blog and post their feedback after they have used the product. People in all niches love the opportunity to have their voices heard. It’s fun, unique, and if your readers agree with what you have said, they will say so and strengthen your ability to convert.  Be prepared for negative feedback as well, but learn from it.  Use it to strengthen and modify your blog or website. It is a "double win" situation no matter what. Presuming your product or platform content doesn’t suck in the first place...no offense. :)

STEP FIVE: RESEARCH AND BRAINSTORM . Know your audience and how to reach them. If you understand your market, you will understand how to promote your product to them, and what marketing methods are likely to be the most effective ways to share your offer with them.  You will greatly increase your conversions and likely minimize your refund requests.

STEP SIX:  IMPLEMENT. You have found your product, its exceptional. You have taken some time and created a blog or website FULL of rich, honest and informative content. You have explained WHY your audience needs this product. You have asked them to provide feedback on their thoughts for readers to come.

By doing all this, you have separated yourself from the competition by establishing unique and trustworthy content through your honesty and willingness to share what you know with others.

It shows you want to help, and should greatly raise your conversions and effectiveness because you are simply offering something of value to someone, and not screaming "BUY ME NOW!!"

You have posted links to your recommended product or service. You have decided  how you are going to start generating traffic. ...It’s time to implement.

Start launching your campaigns. Make sure you capture email addresses for potential upselling down the road if applicable.  Pay attention to your traffic to conversion ratios. Try changing things as you feel needed. If you truly do have a valuable product and and an audience that needs the product, you will succeed in the end.  

It's a very simple concept, truly. 

My "Six Steps To Success" formula, if followed and implemented well, is your formula for affiliate marketing success. I give you my 100% Guarantee.

I will be referencing this more shortly. 

I HIGHLY recommend that you print the "Six Steps to Success" now.

It is my FREE gift to you which you should reference always. Trust me.

I would not be much of an affiliate, or person for that matter, if I were encouraging my readers to follow a formula that I wasn't following myself.

Let's analyze my "Affiilate Marketing and The World Wide Web of Hype"  blog thus far...
  • I have chosen to blog as my PLATFORM (for free I may add) in order to create honest and informative information in a caring manner designed to TRULY help my audience reach their goal...financial success.

  • I am providing valuable information that you can use to begin finding success in your marketing endeavors...ie OVERDELVERING.  And for the record we are just getting started.

  • I am generating highly targeted traffic, and doing so for free or very inexpensive.
Now, hopefully my honesty and willingness to help you and other Affiliate Marketers like you, is apparent to you and it is beginning to create your TRUST in me.  

As I have said previously...

I believe that great things are destined when people with common characteristics and goals all work together openly, honestly, and selflessly in an organized manner for the greater good of EVERYONE in the "community."


Do you agree with my "SIX STEPS TO SUCCESS"  FORMULA?

Are you considering IMPLEMENTING my "Six Steps To Success" IN THE FUTURE?

Have you had any bad experiences with Business Opportunities that have "Guaranteed" YOUR Success but failed you?

Hell, just leave a quick "AMEN!!" if you want!

Each and every step within this formula is fundamentally based on one simple concept....establishing TRUST.

And luckily, honesty creates trust, which all of a sudden makes life as an Affiliate Marketer a whole lot easier, presuming your are honest and trustworthy yourself.

Reference these "Six Steps to Success" and make sure all aspects are implemented and you are well on your way to making an income offering products to internet users.

Take your time, create quality content based around honesty and informative information about the product your reader wants or needs and you can't lose.

Tell your audience more than you think you should. 

Remember, give away 90% of your information for FREE.  You only want to sell the remaining 10%.

Again, print out these "Six Steps to Success."

Even I printed out a copy, and I authored it!!

I have kept it by my side throughout this entire blog as a reference and a reminder to ensure I was following my own advice and not missing anything.

It helps keep me focused.

Hopefully if you have been just sending out advertisements along with a direct link to some product you are promoting without success, you now understand why.

I'm not saying that this never works.

I am saying that like most things in life, the more effort you make, the greater the payoff.

Take your time and publish some good, honest, informative content to introduce your product, THEN you can start promoting your blog or website to PRESELL your product more effectively.

Be professional.

It is all right here in the "Six Steps to Success" formula. USE IT!!!

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